Friday, December 11, 2009

Incredible Underground Lakes and Rivers

Far below the Earth’s surface, where the sun rarely penetrates, is a world of twinkling glow worms, precious gems and limestone caves and mountains, a land inhabited by nature alone. Within this world are visions to rival many landscapes decorating our horizon; lakes lie still and calm, great networks of caves know no borders and rivers and rivulets carve an ever-evolving terrain.

We invite you to explore this remarkable subterranean domain through these incredible images we’ve complied for your viewing pleasure.

Cheddar Gorge is Britain’s biggest canyon and is found within the Cheddar Caves, where the UK’s oldest complete human skeleton was found in 1903. Known as the Cheddar Man, the remains were estimated to be 9,000 years old.

Hamilton Pool Preserve, in Austin, Texas, was created quite naturally when the dome of an underground cave collapsed revealing this stunning natural pool. It is now frequented by day-trippers and naturalists. That’s naturalists not naturists, although no doubt someone has tried to go skinny dipping at one point!

Hamilton Pool from another perspective. When there’s been heavy rainfall, 45ft waterfalls cascade from the rim of the cavern. It must be pretty spectacular when you’re bathing.

Stalagtites adorn the roof of Luray Caverns, Virginia, the still waters throwing a perfect reflection.

Legend has it that early cavemen inhabited Wookey Caves in Somerset, England.

This underground lake in Mellisani Caves, near Kefalonia, was found when the roof of the cave collapsed after an earthquake in 1953.

Lechuguilla Cave, in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico is the fifth longest cave discovered yet at 120 miles (193 km) long and measures 489 metres (1,604 ft) deep, making it the deepest in continental United States.

This underground lake near Macan Ché on the Yucatán Peninsula is one of many that are considered to be gifts from the gods by the Mayans, and therefore sacred.

The limestone flow feeding into this underground lake in Mexico resembles a waterfall turned to stone. Maybe the Ice Queen is privy to this particular cavern?

How long must it have taken for this little waterfall in Banff, Canada, to make this underwater lake?

Those photos have double meaning

All this photos has something in common, most of them are from Russia or made by Russians. The thing is common is… well everyone can figure out this by himself, probably.

Russian Futuristic Boat

Demand for the luxury in growing. One of the expanding industry is luxury boats production. New companies constantly appear offering their services in luxury boat building. Nobody had any experience first, there were no luxury boats in Soviet Russia for 70 years in a row. So some manufacturers copy their works from the Western industry, but some go their unique, Russian way, creating something looking not alike to any other, like this one made for one of the Siberian governors.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Two Cranes Tipping Off Pier Photographs

This set of photographs depicting a a series of unfortunate, if spectacular, events involving one small car and two large crane trucks has been circulating via email and online since 2004. Most of the images in the sequence are genuine and depict a real event.

However, the visual "punch line" of the piece, the image showing the second larger crane toppling into the water, is in fact a fake digitally created from earlier photographs in the sequence. A closer scrutiny of the last image in the sequence reveals that it is actually an altered version of the fifth photograph. Bystanders are in precisely the same position in both images. In photo five, the green crane truck was not even at the scene. Thus, it is clearly not credible to suggest that the same group of people stood like statues in the very same positions while the green truck was called, arrived and subsequently came to grief.

Moreover, a telltale "smudged" appearance around the chassis of the "falling" truck and on the pier show where elements of the original photograph were digitally removed and the supposedly tipping truck added in. The unchanged position of the rearview mirror reflection in the trucks windscreen and other signs show that the fully upright truck was cut from one of the earlier photographs, tilted sideways, and placed into position in the last image. And, finally, in the short space of time between which images 8 and 9 were supposedly snapped, a number of spectators, vehicles and equipment miraculously disappear while the small white boat just as miraculously returns.

The exposure of the last photograph as fake tends to rob the sequence of much of its power. We tend to take certain dark enjoyment from examples of disastrous mismanagement in others (unless it impacts on us directly), so the spectacle of the second crane operator exhibiting the same incompetence as the first and losing his vehicle to the briny sea will seem just too good not to forward for many recipients. But, in reality, the second larger crane successfully retrieved both the small car and the smaller crane without further mishap.

Even without the fake image, the photo sequence was sure to be a popular message board topic and inbox filler and, indeed, it circulated vigorously well before some unknown prankster added the last altered image. And it does show a real event that occurred in 2004 at a pier at Roundstone, in Galway, Ireland. At the time, the event was described by a Roundstone blogger, thusly:
We have certainly have had our ups and downs in the village this year what with somebody falling off the village wall, thank god not killed, and then in the wee hours of Saturday morning, a car goes into the Harbour, with a young man at the wheel, the car landed upside down and if it was not for the vigilance Mary King who alerted Sean de Courcey, Sean fair play to him pulled this man out of the car, which was nearly totally submerged in the tide and pulled him to safety, what ever way you look at it, Sean saved his life, yet again another near fatal accident, and then I suppose on the slightly humorous side and to add insult to injury, a tow truck was called out to pull the car out, now get this, the truck fell in while trying to lift the car, no don't worry there was no one in it, it was remote controlled, but the machine was not heavier enough to lift the car out, therefore, a proper professional machine had to be called in, and the job was done, no loss of life, what was interesting the amount of people that came to have a look at this task you would think we had another social event going on

Thankfully, no people were injured in the incident although both the car driver and the operator of the first crane may have suffered red faces and hefty blows to their pride.

Feeding the Squirrel

Art of balancing stones